What doesn't add up is the fact that the Watchtower doesn't tell us the time or day that it actually happened or even the vicinity in which he landed what is the diference between the Devil arriving and not arriving . When in the history of the World has it ever been any different wars, plagues, inhuman suffering etc. Nature itself is cruel and bloodthirsty the planet has always played out the survival of the fittest.
Where exactly is he right now in the air up a mountain in a volcano , in a cloud, or even in the bottom of some ocean, can he hide in atoms I ask myself ?
He is not on Facebook as far I can tell or even Friends Reunited does he need a Sat Nav because he never shows up ? Does he live in a human head could he be in charge of JW.ORG who knows ? He hasn't got a web site has he if it appears he has could it be some human larking about ?
Why is he here when Jesus is here both invisible can't fathom it out I know I shall Google it .